We at Emirates Health Solutions proudly partnered with the U.S digital health company “GoCheck”.
GoCheck Kids, used by over 6,500 pediatric care team members in the U.S. and Europe, is a vision screening platform developed for the detection of vision abnormalities that often lead to learning deficiencies and permanent vision loss, including blindness if not identified early. The technology is compact and simple to use as it is an iPhone partnered with an AI-enabled vision screening application, a data management portal, and an image review service to empower healthcare providers with tools to screen and manage the vision of children ages 1-18.
The technology depends on photo screening instead of traditional white wall charts, the photo screening allows paediatricians and nurses to detect vision issues during early childhood that are not detected by any other method as it does not require the children to read or give a verbal response, which enables the pediatric healthcare sector to screen the youngest children who cannot read or talk. The screening outcome helps a paediatrician to decide whether the child needs to be referred to an ophthalmologist for further examination.